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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Reminiscing - a Flash TO the past!?

Okay, yeah, I know, it was only a matter of time before reflections of the past would be the topic for the article. Anybody who has followed me or chatted with me on gaming sites, or even just social sites should be perfectly aware that I often times refer to games of the past, and at times long for the same impressions of modern games as found in those old-school gaming memories of yesteryear. On a side note, modern day games understandably are going to have a much different mechanic than single-player games of the past, however, that's no reason they should lose the personal feeling; as an example, could you imagine being in an MMO and actually running into the pushy clerk from Space Quest III's Monolith Burger?? It's rare to see such personal feel in games, one recently I must give props to is Hellgate: Global... as some of the shop keepers catch you much off guard; there was one that I wasn't expecting what they said and nearly spit coffee all over my LCD monitor while laughing my behind off. But, I digress, gaming is starting to feel somewhat like an assembly line, recycle, polish, and pump it out for the next sales release.

Anywho, apologize for the sideline, now on to what you came to see; the games that I feel truly shaped the gaming industry over the years, whether I liked 'em or didn't, and props to their designers for raising the bar that much further. Since there will be many genres, systems, and generations covered, this will be a multi-page article, so if you get to the end of this, and wonder, "hey wait, where's this system?", be sure to check for more pages.

Alrighty, here we go... since I started on the stick and dot, doot and beep video games in 1983, that would seem the best place to start...

Atari, ColecoVision (Adam), Intellivision, and early PC/Apple/Amiga/C-64 Titles:

[Due to a crash with Google Chrome the other day, and Blogger not auto-saving for some odd reason... (which it's always done in the past)... nearly and roughly 6 hours of work was lost which is 6 hours of my life I will never get back... just waiting until I have the gumption to give this another attempt...]

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