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Friday, March 9, 2012

Adventures within a quite "im-Perfect World"!

^Perfect World Parody^  

Very rarely do I feel the need to gripe about a so-called FREE-to-play game; however, this one f2p game in particular, Perfect World, is so "casino'ed", I felt it only fair to give people a "warning-review" of what to expect should they find themselves sucked into this financial black-hole!

Okay, first of all, I should point out and warn the reader, this review is going to be lengthy, but in all due fairness, in order to review this MMO, that's the only real way to do it. I will also point out, my "now" impressions are much different than my original initial impressions, so first I'll lay out my initial impressions, and then I'll lay out what I've come to find out about Perfect World International. Also, I will point out as a disclaimer, I will say, I'm aware of the stigma, that the "typical f2p game" pretty much houses the policy "pay to win", but Perfect World Entertainment clearly takes that to a whole new level! Normally, I don't mind games having a MILD and/or not-that-noticeable payable advantage, but this game makes into complete light or dark.

To note for the record, this MMO is something like 8 years old! Starting out in Perfect World International; I truly felt I had found a F2P game that could truly rival and match World of Warcraft, at first it seems that way, but boy was I wrong. For the record, I'm not a WoW fanboy that's going to say, "this is a copy of WoW", because honestly it's not. When you first start out, the game has really relaxing music, awesome graphics, some of the best character customization around, very laid-back/smooth questing & progression, and the gameplay seems smooth and fun, with subtle learning curves here and there that don't seem so bad. 

You start getting into the game, and thinking, wow, this is really fun. Now, I'll point out the leveling system right away; from all "theories", the leveling system seems rather unending, where some will believe the level cap is 105, and others believe it to be in the 150 range, nobody as far as I've ever seen or read has ever made it that far to finally put that theory to rest, and the highest you typically see is level 102. Here's why; there seems to be some sort of equation/function that typically calculates out the fair amount of experience needed for the next level, and seems to just keep doing this each and every level, unendingly. In itself, that seems all fine and cool, and at first I thought that was awesome; now to get to what I came to find out somewhat quite painfully. Anyways, with the highest seen/recorded level being 102, it'd be a perfect time to write a review on this MMO, considering my main just now passed over level 51, being the half-way mark to level 102.

I'll toss out there, that I'll be the first to hype free-to-play games; and my main reasons are that with pay-to-play games, I feel you may as well be "mortgaging your gaming experience"; because with pay-to-play, much like a mortgage, you have to make a monthly payment typically, and as SOON as you don't, your entire account gets frozen, along with all your characters, progress, etc. Your account pretty much becomes "foreclosed". I've read of some of the more "scary" f2p experiences out there, where some compare certain games like Planet Calypso (formerly Project: Entropia) to being a casino, where they lure you in with all this shiny appeal, and then before you know it, you're continually feeding and feeding the slot-machine, until you've reached a point where you've invested so much that you can't just walk away, because you know that jackpot and payout is coming, and if you do walk away, you're going to lose everything you paid into it.

Sadly, I'm coming to find Perfect World International is pretty much the same scenario, just not quite as blunt, or perhaps, better "packaged". As I said above, the leveling system seems all fine and dandy, that is until you reach about level 30 or level 40; now at first, I thought my experience gain was slowing way down because I had been sinking experience into my genie, in order to offset my need for spirit points used to level up skills. But as I searched around the interwebs, I found nothing at all to indicate this; what I did however find, is for some strange reason, when you reach those levels, experience gain seems to come to a grinding halt pretty much. Prior to those levels, as you kill monsters or do most quests, you'd have noticeable experience increases as you do in most games. You'd kill a monster that was at your level or slightly higher, and you'd watch your experience jump 1-5% or so depending. Right around level 30, or maybe it was 40, I started to notice that every monster I'd kill, would give me literally about 0.1% experience if I was lucky; sometimes I'd have to kill 3-5 monsters to have the percent bump that 0.1%. Now, normally, there'd be an issue with that, even in one of the most popular MMOs out there, World of Warcraft, the exhaustive grind that doesn't really give much experience typically starts around level 70. Oh, and it should be noted, when you die in Perfect World International, you lose roughly 10% of your "gained" experience, which is better than 10% of the experience needed to get to the next level, but still has its drawbacks. Let me lay that out; when you first flip to the next level, and say you only have say 2,500 experience, 10% means you'd lose 250 experience, not that big a deal. However, on my last level I just finished, level 51, I noticed when I was at 93.6% experience, the experience bar when I hovered over it read that I had 250,035 experience. 

Now let's consider, if I was to die, that means I'd lose 25,004 experience, which in most MMOs would be easy enough to make up. Now, in Perfect World International, one can make that up, as there's literally hundreds of quests they can partake on, but again, each (especially including dungeons) has their high chance of getting killed and losing even more experience. Oh, but wait, let's not fret, in their "boutique" (cash-shop), there are "guardian scrolls" that a person can buy for real-life cash that protect from experience loss; then again, there's also in-game items that can be traded for said scrolls, but most of those "in game" items come from buying "packs" in the cash-shop, which have a random chance of spitting out these in-game items. Starting to see where this is going? Good, hang on to that thought, it gets MUCH crazier. (For the record, I've become so frustrated at the massive experience loss and so little gain, that I've become pretty much gun-shy to even leave town to partake on any quests, and pretty much sit in town, doing the easy daily quests like Crazy Stones, the Teacher's Quest, and the Badge quest!) Oh, and I did I mention, this game seems to have absolutely ZERO cut-scene cinematic sequences WHATSOEVER... it's just constant GRIND gameplay, CONTINOUSLY!

Up until now, Perfect World International really seemed to "empower" the player; where I'd be thinking to myself, "wow, I'd never be this powerful, or be able to take out multiple monsters this well and feel this uber at level 20-30 in other MMOs"; and not to mention, at level 30, you get your first "flyer" (flying mount) and don't even have to learn flying training to use it, but pretty soon it starts becoming obvious that the freebie is uber-slow (whereas, a player can buy faster mounts, again only in the "boutique" for real-life cash). As I played on, I started to look through all of this and analyze everything from a stepped-back perspective. As I said above, they have cash-shop items that "protect" your experience loss; and if you're lucky enough to have a cleric around that can resurrect you, you only lose 5% experience rather than the full 10%. But again, let's keep in mind, that experience gain starts to come to a grinding halt, to where the overall grind becomes READILY apparent. Now, to make it even better, because experience gain seems to come to a crawl, there's 2 options people are faced without outside the typical grind until you're a zombie at the keyboard. One, you can again buy from the "boutique" (cash shop), hyper-experience stones, which increase your experience gain as you play, but again, have to shell a bunch of cash into a free-to-play game, and again, if you die, you lose 10% experience. Or two, and you see these in the world chat all the time, people pay other players to power-level them, or take them for instance/dungeon runs. The price they have to pay isn't a measly amount either, I think the cheapest I've seen is in the 500,000 coins range. Now granted, in-game coins aren't "that" hard to come by, but training costs, repair costs, merchant/tradeskill needs, etc quickly drain what you might wrack up. So you really start finding yourself having to "wheel and deal" in order to stay afloat in the later levels, otherwise grind until you're ready to have a nervous breakdown.

But it doesn't just stop there. I've been playing Perfect World International for about a month now, (for the record, I gave the game a chance many moons ago, but couldn't really get into it back then, so it was pretty much a no go), and I'm quickly seeing, that because there's such an uphill curve in the later levels, and many people have dumped buttloads of cash into this game, the game itself is like scam/greed-central. You will find people selling the most useless stuff for hundreds of thousands of coins, if not millions. The Auction House (which has the worst Auction House filter/search/setup that I have ever seen to date) is just full of stuff that's ridiculously overpriced.

Honestly, within 2 weeks of joining the game, I actually found myself getting scammed, but thankfully in a mild way and not for THAT much. One "merchant" (people can run their own little shops on their character), offered a "promotional" that if you bought out all the wood they had, as well as all their tulips, you'd get a flyer mount (which had decent stats), as well as a scarlet fruit. So I did that, stuff I didn't really need, but had the money for, so figured what the heck, the promotionals are nice. They even announced to everybody in the local chat, that I had won the promotionals and that people had to stop trying for them. So the person says they're getting the items, I wait and wait and wait. Finally when they come to give me the items, they inform me, "I'm shooting a video to help 'promote my guild', and want to show good sales, how much coins do you have left?"; I tell them a little white lie and say, "not much, about 150k, and I need that for training and repairs, so at this point, I may as well be broke". I kid you not, they tell me, "tell you what, if you buy 150k more worth of stuff from my shop, I'll give you the flyer and the fruit". I informed them, "hey, you made a public deal that IF the wood and fruit were bought, the person would receive a flyer mount and a scarlet fruit", so I decided to be nice, and I was going to stick to what I said, I told them, "tell you what, I'll be nice, if you give me the flyer mount and the scarlet fruit, I'll do you a favor and spend the rest of my coins buying out what's left in your shop" (which unbeknownst to them, I had about 500-750k coins and could have easily bought out what they had left). They then inform me, "sorry, no deal, I can't do that, my faction leader has strict rules" and then logs out of the game. Like what the hell, I just spent roughly 75,000 coins on crap I didn't need, expecting I'd receive these "promotionals" that they told everybody I had won, to try and cyphen every last cent out of me. Now, THAT is exactly what Perfect World International makes people into sadly, and I'm starting to see why.

My fiance plays a venomancer, which can tame pets, and then in turn sell the rarer pets for a decent amount of coins. Now let's pause for a second, and point out, IF they can get those rares. Most people will run up and purposely grief her as she's trying to tame one, even other venos will kill her attempted tame; this game is completely cut-throat, and people WILL try to screw you over to benefit themselves any chance they get! Furthermore, as a venomancer, she already has to pay tons of coins for training, for repairs, for tradeskill stuff, etc, but THEN training for her pet literally costs 200,000 coins PER training scroll! Which each scroll pretty much levels up one skill, or learns a new skill. And she has to do this PER each pet, it's not like the scroll effects ALL pets either. Now, let's stop and think here; with in-game items a venomancer can pretty much unlock up to 6 pet slots, (which for the record, the boutique *coughcash-shopcough* has a "super pet cage" which unlocks all 10 slots), that's 6 pets that need scrolls to be trained, for sake of arguement, if a person wants to get 5 scrolls per pet, they're looking at a total of 6,000,000 coins. Yeah, 6 MILLION. Oh, but I'm pretty sure there's "cash shop" items to again, aleviate that burden at a price!

Okay, now, moving right along, other "catches" I've found. There are NPCs such as the Emissary of the Light or Emissary of the Shadow, which offers you daily quests, which you can do, and SOME will have little tickets in the "light" category (such as purple quests from Emissary of the Light, or blue quests from Emissary of the Shadow), while others will have tickets in the "shadow" category (purple quests from the Emissary of the Shadow). These tickets can be traded in for weapons, gear, runes, etc. Sounds great doesn't it? Well, I've come to find that it's again, much like a slot machine or an arcade. Here's why. I kept trying to save up enough "light" tickets to exchange for a weapon that was suitable to my level, which there was a decent selection, but in the 30-40 level range, it'd take 4 tickets. 

Ironically, I'd keep getting JUST enough quests to get only 3 tickets. Then in the level 40-50 range, it'd take 5 tickets, and again, I'd get just enough quests to get 4 tickets. Now, for the level 50-60ish weapon, it'll take 6 tickets, but now, the Emissary of the Light quests are no longer available once you reach level 51; so now I have to hope the Emissary of the Shadow will have a blue quest, and once again, it does, but only enough to get me FIVE tickets, but even better, the quests now take place in dungeons/instances which are near impossible to do without getting some big group to run with you. If that's not bad enough, the Emissary of the Light actually had an "Order of the Light" or some such paper you had to carry with you, that allowed you to just get daily quests no problem. The Emissary of the Shadow now needs one of two things. Either one, you go to a faction-base, pay 72,000 coins and 144 contribution points in order to get an Order of the Shadow that's good for ONLY 24-hours! Or, you can partake in what's called a "Bounty Hunter" quest, which pretty much takes you into a dungeon/instance to kill an uber-hard boss, which then gives you an Order of the Shadow that's good for roughly 4 hours. Now, normally, on the Emissary of the Light, you could only "roll" two random missions, usually never giving you what you had hoped for; on the Emissary of Shadow, you can roll three. Let's stop and think about this; it seems lately, they've been rolling a bunch of white quests, which only realy give experience and spirit, no exchangeable tickets. If I went every day of the week to the Emissary of Shadow to PRAY for that last blue quest I needed, that'd cost me overall 72,000 * 7 = 504,000 coins, and 144 contribution * 7 = 1,008 contribution points. For the record, contribution points aren't THAT hard to come by, but it's STILL a grind, a massive one. And there's still a chance, I could pay all that, do all that, and still get ALL white quests, or even purple quests, and never get that last BLUE quest with that one ticket. Seeing the slot-machine in the background again!? (Oh, also, I should again point out, that if one really wants to, they can buy a “reset” for the Emissary quests from the cash-shop at a price, which merely only randomly rolls however many quests you can pick from again, which could again, roll you all white quests!!)

Oh, but wait, there's much more, lol. This one's a bit of a double-edged sword. As you start out in the lower levels, you seem to get loot from everywhere, so much that you find yourself selling off stuff you might even need just to make space. Now, here's the catch to that part, they have in the boutique yet again, a super inventory stone that costs something like 2 or 4 gold (2-4 dollars or however much it is), which doubles your inventory so you can carry more. But here's the weird part; I've noticed, playing the game free, most monsters now, at my level, hardly seem to drop any loot; most times just coins, and not all that many either! Almost like the program in the background purposely makes it harder for you to get the loot that you can sell for the coins you need to fund your training, repairs, tradeskills, purchases, etc, almost so that you're forced to want to buy cash-shop items, what the hell!? But wait, there's even more! In the earlier levels, again, you'll get so much junk that you want to hang on to, either tradeskill mats, future gear, etc, that your storage again gets over-crowded. Thankfully, there are two (very grindy mind you) in-game quests you can do, that increases your bank vault, each by 8 slots; which helps MILDLY. After that, guess what, there's again a boutique (cash-shop) item you can buy, for roughly the same price as the super inventory stone, that will double your bank vault size. Starting to see a pattern? Like the game purposely has rough edges that try to paint you into a corner to have to shell out cash in order to make it marginally enjoyable!

Now, even more proof they try to trap you into spending money on the game. When you start the game, you're given a "supply stash" that you can open every 5 levels, which has decent helpful stuff. Once you get to level 50, you come to find (without any previous warning mind you) that you will need a perfect iron hammer in order to open it. But wait, where do you get a perfect iron hammer? Easy, you can BUY a single one-time-use hammer from the boutique (!@#!ing-cash-shop!!!) for FIVE dollars. But even better, from what I've read, it turns out that after you do this, inside that level 50 chest, is ANOTHER chest which contains 1 million coins, called a chest of coins, that guess what, needs yet ANOTHER perfect iron hammer in order to open! But don't fret, if you don't want to buy the perfect iron-hammer, many "boutique" items are sold by players in game for coins, and last I checked, the perfect iron-hammer sells in game for roughly 5,000,000 coins for ONE single-use hammer. That's right, 5 million coins everytime you need to open ONE chest, (which means, if you open BOTH those chests, you've now roughly spent 10,000,000 coins, in order to make 1,000,000 *facepalm*), and ONE chest only!

I've also read, that back in the day, a person used to be able to buy gold in game, for roughly 200,000-300,000 coins for 1 gold. Now, the inflation/greed (primarily enforced by Perfect World Entertainment) has caused this exchange to be roughly 1,200,000 coins or so for one single gold. Gold is the currency used in the "boutique", and even the smallest things cost roughly 2 gold, which I believe can be purchased again for real-world cash for roughly 1 gold per 1 dollar. (Anybody else reminded of the ticket-exchange in an arcade where it used to take you something like 5,000 tickets for a friggin' keychain!?)

Saddest part is, in other MMOs, you have the flexibility of an approach as a salesman either in the auction-house or running your own shop. You have the ability to charge cheap prices for the stuff you just happen across that you may or may not need, but didn't realy pay anything for, so you have no problem selling it cheap. You have the option of being the business-person that everybody likes to do business with. You have the ability to have your name recognised as the "fair and affordable" merchant that really makes them happy to find such great bargains. Not in Perfect World baby. Let me tell you, in many other MMOs, my fiance and I had lots of fun selling stuff at half to three-quarters the price that everybody else did; to feel economically and marketably smart. Oh wow, Perfect World makes sure to suck that option out completely. You start feeling like a sweat-shop trying to make ends meet in this game! My fiance, who again, usually likes to sell cheap, has found herself forced into having to sell stuff for way more than it's worth, yet slightly less here and there than other people, in order to afford all her repairs, training, etc. It's like the friggin' Borg, "you will be assimilated"... and once they suck you in, unless you can walk away cold turkey, you're pretty much stuck playing by only their rules and their way, and boy does it SUCK!

Sadly, my poor fiance runs a little shop literally half of the time she spends playing the game, literally begging people to please buy her items out of pity, in order to fund her training and gameplay experience, as well as, bless her soul, mine as well!

I should also mention, never fear, if you don't want to spend real-world money to be able to purchase items in the cash-shop, they have "surveys" you can partake in to earn "Zhen"; problem is, each and every survey they have, is a money-making scam designed to trick you into forking over a credit-card, buying something, or signing up for some sort of paid subscription. Yet, Perfect World Entertainment try to convince you that it's easy, safe, convenient, and simple... yeah right!

Oh, also on a side-note, did you know that Perfect World International is not only client-side hackable, but also friendly to multi-boxing bots?? That's right, you will see quite a few game hackers as well as botters. The hackers are hard to spot right off, but after awhile it'll be mildly obvious, but the bots you can almost spot off immediately!! Oh, and there are several people that use lag-switches in this game for a very unfair advantage (which becomes painfully apparent when LOTS of people decide to duel/PK in and around the city of Archesaur!!!). It also seems there's a bunch of people that will fake-bid in public auctions to grief/piss-off other players; not to mention people getting friends to “partake” in auctions sort of like “plants” in order to drive/inflate the price up to something the person auctioning the item wants; (as an example, hypothetically I decide to auction a mount for 50,000 coins which is REALLY generous... you and a friend of mine start bidding on it, yet people don't know that the other person is my friend... my friend keeps out-bidding you, and spiking the next offer by large amounts, forcing you and/or others to bid even higher, closer to a price that's more fitting to what I was hoping for... like say 500,000 to 1,000,000 or more!).

Now, to get into the "staff". Oh wow, where to begin on this, OMG! First and foremost on this topic, there's an area in the game called The Secret Passage, aka: PK-Heaven. Trust me, unless you're a high level, or are traveling with friends, do NOT go in there, save your sanity and go the other way! It turns out there's some "bug" in the code that puts EVERYBODY in it, into some floating PVP mode. Now, for the record, if you turn on your PK mode (PVP), you're forced to stay in PK mode for 10 hours. But oddly, people can go into The Secret Passage, PK any other player they want to, walk out, and low and behold, they're not in PK mode (which is perfect proof that people exploit this for that very reason, as they can PK/duel ANYWHERE/EVERYWHERE else in the game!). Now, here's the major issue. Around levels 30-40, you'll start getting quests that either take you into The Secret Passage, or a dungeon whose entrance is actually located at the far back of The Secret Passage. 

Getting an idea where this is going?? You will find, TONS of really HIGH level players, like level 100 players, that will sit in the first room and use The Secret Passage to be their fancy arena. But here's where the problem gets even worse, you will find SEVERAL jackholes that will hunt down each and every player that tries to get past in order to PK them. Why you might ask? I'm not completely sure if there's anything like "honor points" in the game, but what I did come to find, is that typically a character has a high chance of dropping items if they partake regularly in PK/PVP mode; HOWEVER, it turns out even people who do absolutely ZERO PK/PVP-ing, ALSO have something like a 0.5% chance or something along those lines of actually dropping a random piece of gear, coins, or something from their inventory (even against game-controlled MONSTERS). Oh but wait, check this out, they have a protection in the game that's EXPLOITED to help these jokers out. Here's how, there's an account lock that you can turn on, that keeps anybody who breaks into your account from being able to remove your gear, items, or coins from your inventory, great right? It would be, except these jokers turn this protection on BEFORE they go PKing everybody, meaning even if by some LUCK chance they manage to be the ones killed, they don't lose anything! Oh but, did I forget to mention, once again, in their lovely boutique *COUGHCOUGHF'NCASHSHOPCOUGHCOUGH* you can again buy guardian scrolls to keep this chance from being an issue, or you can trade-in in-game items which are also procured from the *COUGHCOUGHF'NCASHSHOPCOUGHCOUGH* for these guardian scrolls. Here's the even better part, which is a bit complex sort of. Seems they had this issue before, and then fixed it, now the issue is back, and even though they fixed it before, they're saying it's going to take 6-8 weeks to fix the issue; in the meantime PKing in The Secret Passage is supposed to be a bannable offense. Oh yeah, right, that's a joke. I've read numerous forums of people taking screenshots and submitting tickets, where the jokers "farming players" are STILL playing. I myself have screenshotted at least 5 people, submitted bunches of tickets, and those people are STILL playing. I had seen a couple horror stories where somebody decided to defend themselves, the PKer decided to report them, and then the person defending themselves got banned... WTF!? I'll tell you, there's nothing more annoying, than working your way through The Secret Passage, needing to meditate and heal up before a big mob, and while you're doing so, some jackhole assassin in stealth coming up and nailing everybody in the back, killing your whole party and sending them back to town, the whole while they get the biggest laugh, and your gaming experience is pretty much flushed straight down the ****ter!

Furthermore on their "staff", wow, this one really blows my mind. If you DARE to go to their forums, make SURE you have a thick-skin, we're talking like SUPERMAN thick. They have to have the most jacked up forums ever, even worse than GamersFirst or GameFAQs, and that's pretty bad. They seem to have absolutely no rules whatsoever about trolling, griefing, harassing, etc. There's no option to report/flag posts for review, there's no ability to block anybody. But get this, they have some hardcore rule about bumping any thread that's more than 2 weeks old. So you happen to use the "search" function, find a thread that relates, and even though you read the post for the CONTENT (how dare you don't proof-read the dates in the thread!), and post relevant CONTENT, you get a cocky moderator that gives you a cocky-arse response about how you "necro"'ed the thread, and typically quite a few trolls prior going, "OMG, what a necro!". Like seriously!? May as well be in friggin' grade-school. Here's where it's really interesting. If you make a new thread on a topic that's already in existence, you get griefed because "there's already an existing thread, did you REALLY have to make another one!?", WTF! Or even better, as I had pointed out, "some questions remain relevant no matter how old they are" (like, "where do I go to find x creature, and how hard is it"), people who are relevant to the topic at hand, get trolled, griefed, flamed, harassed, etc, NOTHING happens, you post again past a 2 week point, everybody and their brother flips out because you're a "necro" (like oh f'n noez, the motherf'n humanity of it all!@#!), and even the friggin moderator who doesn't do jack about the haters/griefers gives you crap for being a necro, then locks the thread so that you have no recourse, or say, to the big dink in the face they just delivered you, (gotta love the troll-encouragement, or even moderators that will troll like b****@$$ d***heads), WHAT!? The best response I could get from a moderator, when I suggested they amend the "necro rule" to include "bumping with anything that's NOT relevant to the topic at hand", they told me, and I quote, "what can I say, rules are rules"... oh yeah, where's all the rules protecting us from being turned into *****es by the other players!? Also have seen many say, "necro-ing is pretty much an internet-wide rule of thumb"; oh really now!? I've been getting online since I was a little kid, first dialing up into BBSes, and then CompuServe, then finally the World Wide (Inter)Webs; up until now, I've only seen it referred to as "bumping", I only ever saw it referred to as "necro-ing", I THINK, in really tiny circles, MUDs/MUSHes, or really "off the grid" sort of games that nobody had ever heard of... but now, ever since coming to Perfect World, I'm supposed to believe this is a rule that's found EVERYWHERE!? WTF... I feel like Perfect World Entertainment is the equivalent of the Twilight Zone!

Oh, also, have a thick skin if you're in the game and attempt to watch/read World chat if/when bored. I kid you not, the chat in there doesn't seem to be moderated or controlled whatsoever. I see people making jokes about rape, sex, drugs, murder, you name it... keeping in mind there's KIDS that play this game. But what's kind of scary ironic; I had a friend in the game, who reached their "limit" with the game, and was actually saying in World Chat, how much Perfect World sucks, how greedy and leechy Perfect World Entertainment is; shortly after about the third thing they said, they went offline, and I haven't seen them back on since, nor have I been messaged by any alts or other accounts. So, pretty much, be as ****ed up as you want to, but don't you dare say a thing that makes them look bad, or they'll bury you next to Jimmy Hoffa and IP-ban you into a 6-foot hole! Oh, and by the way, in order to be able to actually talk in World Chat, you have to again BUY from their BOUTIQUE (cash shop) these items called telecoustics, which a SINGLE one allows you to say ONE short sentence in World Chat!

I started out loving this game, but as you can see, if you're still reading this; this is definitely one of those "casino" f2p games, where you dish in a bunch of cash, thinking it's fun, but then you're so far invested, you can't pull away, and by then, they're pretty much rubbing your nose in your own !@#!. I will admit, at one point, my fiance and I *almost* bought each a $20 Perfect World card, and are glad that right before we decided to, we started to see all the writing on the wall and opted against it. Back in the day, this game might have been worth your investment, but it's starting to dry up, and it's apparent the devs have realized that... rather than adding "fun" content, they're trying to put up barriers that force you into paying. Do yourself a favor, if you plan to check out Perfect World International, I'll be fair in saying, on the surface, and even down to the mechanics, it's a great game with lots of potential... but keep an open-mind, as well as an "escape route" out of this money-pit... because it's like that car salesman that loves to sell you the lemon... everything will look like sunshine and daisies and pretty little rainbows... until you find yourself dazed and confused, turn around, and find yourself shackled to the money-machine known as Perfect World Entertainment! :-/

There you have it, Perfect World Entertainment is perfect proof that “money talks, and bull**** walks”; because pretty much anything that “walks” (or exists) in this poor excuse for a “fun” MMO is BS, and the only way you can really “talk” strongly in the game, is to PAY for it! Also seems perfectly clear that Perfect World Entertainment is completely money-centered, and are willing to turn a blind eye to anything as long as they get the cash... sadly, they even seem more greedy than MoneyFirst (GamersFirst)! In fact, I'll even go so far as to say, that Perfect World seems like the “Perfect Simulator” of “Gold Fever”... this game proves that TWISTED version of the “Golden Rule”, and that is “he who has the most gold wins”. I even said in my faction the other day, “the only difference between Perfect World and Farmville, is Perfect World has a 3D open-world!”. Also, don't bother filing any grievances or issues with Perfect World Entertainment, all you ever get in return is form letters acknowledging the form submission; and only one time had I ever gotten a reply, that pretty much summed up said, "well, sorry, can't help you, you're **** out of luck"!

PS – I've only ever seen ONE article about anybody that EVER made it to the Perfect World end-game without spending ANY real-life money whatsoever... but from what I've seen and experienced, it's near impossible, and would take some SERIOUS die-hard grinding and massive strenuous hours of gameplay!!!


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Clearing the air: My true view on Microsoft.

I know I haven't made a blog post in several months, but felt it necessary at this crucial juncture to address an issue that has been kind of coming to light as of late. I've received some emails and other correspondences from some friends, as well as random people asking why I dislike Microsoft or why I rail against the X-Box so much. Well, I'm writing this to clear the air for any that may be curious. I have nothing against the X-Box 360 in general, and will attempt to write this as unbiased and straight down the middle as possible. Some of it may reflect opinion but I'll try my best to keep it objective and fair for both sides of the argument.

First and foremost, I do have an issue with the Microsoft company directly, but more due to their handling of the computer/PC side of the business more-so than the console-side. I'll get to the console-side momentarily, but thought it pertinent to point out my "history" of view on Microsoft to paint a clearer picture.

For the record, I'm no stranger to technology or video games; I originally started on a ColecoVision (then later a ColecoVision Adam) when I was 5 years old, as well as a PC-based 80286 using the original Dos when I was right around the same age, (I think it was even later after that getting Dos 2.1 which I needed to run certain PC games, some with the use of "SetVer"). Anyways, over the years, I was there to see the original release of such innovations as Monochrome going to CGA, to later go to EGA, then to VGA, and finally Super-VGA; I was there publicly to actually watch the unveiling of the first VGA hardware and saw it used without any pixelation on the screen. I was there to see the very first unveilings of the mouse interface for the personal computer (which I'll admit, took me some time to get used to... even today, if I can bring up a command-line interface and type the commands rather than point-and-click, I opt for that instead). I was also there to see the growth of several computer-based game and software companies, anywhere from the original Sierra On-Line to Origin Games (Ultima/Wing Commander/etc), Accolade, LucasFilm Games, ID Games, Apogee, Epic, etc... all the way to Corel, even Microsoft. I was one of the first users to test out the original DosShell, and later was one of the first to fire up and run the original Windows.

At first, I thought the graphical-user interface, at least starting with Windows was pretty neat (as DosShell left a bit to be desired). However, I noticed over the years, that as bugs would crop up, rather than fix the code, Microsoft would simply patch/pave over the fix piling more code on top of old code, which doesn't completely fix the problem, just makes a larger jumble to be processed and suck system-resources dry, and at times still leaves certain weaknesses (sort of like how they patch potholes in the street... they put a different coating of tar in the hole which eventually wears away). They continued to dump more and more money into the "next version", and would go on to pump out Windows 3.1, Windows NT, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Millenium, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, and now Windows 7, and soon Windows 8. It was, in fact, the original Windows coding that brought around the birth of the original "winnuke" as it stemmed from an exploitation of the protocol port 139 being open by default. In their years of operating-system releases, more and more weaknesses would pile up, more error scenarios would get added to the pile, and more security issues would crop to the surface. Anybody whose ever dealt in TechNet CDs knows EXACTLY what I'm talking about!! Having worked in IT, in a computer-based market that's pretty much dominated by Microsoft, I've seen many; which makes it annoying for those of us "in the know", because you're able to fix everybody else's problems, and when a Windows error crops up on your own machine, typically, it's one you've either never dealt with before, or is outside your scope of experience and makes it that much more stressful to fix, or is worst-case scenario non-fixable.

Now, I have nothing against a company "dominating" the market, but when they pretty much run and control the market, that's where I have an issue. I'm not going to praise Apple up and down like some do; yes, I like the company, and I have nothing against them, but attempting to keep this as objective as possible. I believe Macintosh is a sturdy system, I believe that had Macintosh actually had the freedom to flourish and bloom at their own pace they could have been a big giant in the computer-industry; however, for any that know the history of the original Macintosh and the instrumental part that Bill Gates played in where Windows stemmed from, you know that Macintosh had been pretty much held under Bill Gates thumb since day one. Another major reason I don't have much respect for Bill Gates. Now, to go along with that, the over commercialism and massively increasing prices of Windows has forced certain distributions of Linux, over the years, to have to go commercial/retail in order to stay afloat; which is a bit of a culture-shock for those of us who are used to getting most Linux flavors as freeware/open-source; though, there are still some distros that are free, the "better" ones now have to make money in order to stay afloat and compete, which is understandable, they deserve their royalties for their invested time/resources.

I just have to wonder, rather than dumping millions into the "next version" of Windows all the time, why not dump just as much money, or even half of that, into actually fixing it truly and completely without all the bugs? In essence, Windows since its original inception, even up until now, has been pretty much running as a beta if compared to the standards of other software with ongoing fixes. Now, to take another look at the Macintosh; it's hard enough finding PC-based software in stores these days, or at least a decent selection... how often can you say you see true Macintosh-based versions of software? It's been many moons since I've seen any. This is the part where many would point out, "oh, but there's Parallels" or some other Windows emulator for Macintosh; but there's two problems with that. One, there's still royalties going to Microsoft, and two, which is a problem also seen emulating Windows in Linux, when you emulate Windows, you're also emulating all the bugs/weaknesses that come with it. Even with that aside, to use cars as a visual, that'd be like saying, you like to drive a Hyundai or Chevy, but hypothetically we'll say Toyota ends up dominating the market, you can have the shell of the car you want, maybe even the engine, but everything else will be Toyota, royalties going to Toyota, and any and all safety-issues, quirks, bugs, problems that anybody who has a full-fledged Toyota has to deal with, you'll have to deal with as well. Disclaimer, I don't have anything against Toyota, but they have had a really long history with safety-issues that can't be denied.

Perhaps I was wrong, maybe BSoDs aren't so bad! ;)

Okay, now, that was long-winded, and I apologize for that, moving right along to the console side of things. I won't lie, I'm a bigger fan of the Playstation, and will come right out with it, but I have played several games on an X-Box 360 as well. I believe the 360 is a good/decent system, but for my preferences and what I'm looking for, it just doesn't "fit me" as well as a Playstation does. One major factor is the exclusive games on the PS3 more fit my tastes than the 360-exclusive games. In fact, I can honestly say that to date, there's only 3 or 4 real 360 exclusive games that have ever really caught my eye that much, and that'd be Fable, the original Saints Row 1 (where you can get 2 & 3 on PS3), Mass Effect 1 (where you can get 2 & 3 on PS3), and some Ninja Blade game I played a demo of off the marketplace; other than that, can't think of too many others that really fit the type of games I'm looking for. But that's just preference on my part, that's nothing against the 360 itself. Also, as far as my preferences go, I feel the PS3 has some better options straight out of the box than 360; and again, this is preference, not saying it's solid fact, and I'm not saying, "360 sucks".

What I am saying, is if I cleared my head completely, stepped back out of the gaming industry, and approached it like somebody who has never touched a game controller before, and compared what I got from the 360 and PS3 side-by-side straight out of the box, I'd probably be more inclined to go with the PS3. Here's why, the PS3 straight out of the box plays Blu-Ray discs, has a built-in media-library, has free web access (*with your own ISP account), game demos you can download and play, the ability to message other users on the PlayStation Network, the ability to play against other players on the PlayStation Network free of charge when I get other games, has Playstation Home that has mini-games and which now has quests you can do, has a built-in browser so I can browse the web from my living-room, or if I happen to not have a computer, as well as a marketplace that allows me to purchase things for straight price without having to use points that never work out even. The 360 by itself straight out of the box, has a built-in media-library, has the ability to make a silver XBL account, a marketplace you can browse, demos you can download and play, and the ability to message other XBL users (I think, not sure if you can do that with a silver account, I never tried on mine). Now to expand from there, if you wanted to do more online with X-Box Live, you'd have to pay more money for a gold account, to be able to play with other players, play games multiplayer (which I usually tend to prefer single-player myself anyways), etc, but still have no way/browser to truly browse the interwebs. Also the XBL Marketplace "Points" get annoying when you can never get just the exact amount you need and are forced to pay more than what you should be for extra points that are useless unless you buy more points to use them up and then again have a points remainder, because you can only buy in "Points Packages". (Please note, I'm being as fair as I can be, if I forgot anything I sincerely apologize, I'm not out to make either look better, doing a true objective comparison).

Now, again, that's my personal preference... I'm not saying it's fact or how everybody should view it. I know there are some that could care less about messaging users, or care less about using PS Home, or give two turds less about free internet access (*with your own ISP account), or even playing Blu-Ray discs. That's another thing I should point out though; last I checked, a Blu-Ray disc can store something like 25gb, whereas a HD DVD (which is what 360 uses) can store something like 8-10gb I believe it is (may be more now??). There's also talks of a dual-layer Blu-Ray disc on the horizon (if it hasn't come to market already?) that will be able to store even more. What that says to me right away, is any game that spans multiple discs will need less discs for a PS3, and thus less disc-changing, which is kind of nice so your gaming isn't interrupted/paused as often. Which again, is a minor thing, if 360 fit my preferences, I'd have no issue with having an extra disc or two to swap out; the other bonus is, should a PS3 version of a game need as many discs as say a 360 version, with the extra space on the disc they usually tend to put in extra goodies. Like I think the PS3 version of Battlefield was supposed to be packed with one of the classic Battlefield games or something along those lines... don't follow shooters much, but there are other games that do the same, why waste the extra storage.

I'm not going to take the time to compare hardware to hardware; not because "I'm afraid the 360 will look better", because there are some specs of the 360 that are actually a bit better than the PS3, just as there's some PS3 specs that are better than the 360. The reason why is in the long-run I feel they're both about equivalent to each other, each has their pros and cons which somewhat equal out, and therefore I don't truly feel that either system is "truly superior", not to mention there's already been hundreds if not thousands of those comparisons done, which can readily be found by means of Google or YouTube.

As far as game-selection goes, again, most big-name games are available on both systems, and I'm not going to say, "PS3 graphics look better than 360", because I truly believe that depends more on the coding of the game itself, as I'll admit I've seen some games look better on PS3, but I've seen just as many look better on 360 as well. Just as some games run smoother/faster on PS3, and just as many run smoother/faster on 360; all depends how they're coded and what they're coded for. Now when it comes to console-exclusives, my preference will lean more towards PS3, simply because I'm more of an open-world, adventure, platforming, single-player, role-playing kind of person; as I stated, Fable on the 360 is fun, but on the PS3 there's Uncharted, Infamous, Little Big Planet, etc, etc. But again, that's my preference, that's not to say the selection is better, as it depends on what you're looking for.

Also, we have to look at motion-control; I know many could care less about it, but where the Nintendo Wii is another competing console that relies on motion-controls, it makes sense. Having used both the Kinect and the Move, from my own preferences, I have to give more props to the PS3 Move. Simply because with the Kinect, you can only flail your arms in so many ways and lean your body in so many ways; where with the Move, it not only reads body movements, but has small hand-held controls for toggles, control buttons, etc. I know the whole hype for Kinect is no controls, but one thing the game industry should have taught us, is depth requires some sort of interface, unless they can invent a device that actually reads your thoughts. Even PC games showed us that; for any old-school computer game player, compare the simplified text commands to the newer point-click interfacing, and how much more depth and options it brings. I mean, I'm not even the largest shooter fan, but I had a blast playing Socom 4 with the PS3 Move using the SharpShooter gun-device; again, not to knock the 360, but I truly feel the depth control can't be replicated by Kinect, and even if so, you'd have to either lean forward or march in place to be able to move forward I'd think.

Now, the big clincher. Before I get into the "networking", I'll go ahead and say for the record, yes, Sony got hacked, and yes as some have said, they took something like 7-10 days to come forward to the public about it, etc. I'm not here to make excuses, but what I can say from my own professional experience in the IT/network-security business, is when something happens of a large-scale, you isolate the issue, figure out what's going on and how to fix it, before you come running out and causing a panic. A fireman, when he shows up to a fire, doesn't start talking to the news reporter while it burns, he puts out the fire. When you're talking technology, it can tend to take a week or so to isolate the problems, secure everything, and take damage-control. Sony however, did come out with everything, even admitting they realized they had a weakened security that they had to fix and update, every detail (even though there were a couple details I'll honestly admit seemed to change as time went on, but they were still pretty close to the truth, may have been a perspective issue), they even pointed out that yes credit card numbers were stolen, but the security codes for those cards were on a separate secure server that wasn't breached, and yes they were down for over a month. I'm not going to fault Sony for that, because in hacking, you have the attacker and you have a victim; Sony was the victim, regardless of whether or not their security was completely up to snuff... (if a wreckless driver slams into my car that's really old and doesn't have all the modern air-bags etc, am I at fault because they slammed in to me?).

Now X-box Live on the other hand, I will admit hasn't had their servers hacked directly, but for almost a year now, several X-Box Live users have been falling victim to hackers. Which again, I won't fault Microsoft for the actions of the hackers, what I do fault is how they handle it. For *several* months, Microsoft first were trying to dodge the subject and brush it under the rug, then once it became big enough of an issue that they couldn't ignore it, they tried pointing the finger at the VICTIMS; the actual USERS and CUSTOMERS of the X-Box Live service. If you use XBL, if you've been hacked, Microsoft was trying to pretty much say it was "user stupidity", if you haven't been hacked yet, there's still a chance it might happen, at which time you become "user stupid" by Microsoft's terms, or at least would have. Finally after almost a year, Microsoft is finally owning up to the fact that yes, users are being hacked and NOT always phished (as I'll admit, there's always going to be a certain percentage of victims who are phished, it happens). Problem is, I've been following this for quite sometime, and even back then, there were obvious signs/proof that certain users weren't phished and still being disregarded as "sucker enough to be phished".

Which brings us to the next issue. I'll honestly admit, there are a decent number of users that had their accounts resolved and returned within the 21 day period, with refunds made for lost money. However, there's also been a decent amount of horror stories ranging anywhere from how the users were treated/handled, how much money they lost, etc. A fellow Raptr user and friend of mine lost several hundred dollars that they needed to care for their one year-old disabled son; problem is, Microsoft had informed them the account would be locked down during investigation, yet the hackers went on to use the attached PayPal to continue to spend money, while Microsoft never notified the user. The user actually had to call into Microsoft to find out that Microsoft was unable to lock their account; decent security would have been to notify the user right away. The user followed the trail of their account, and finally found out their account eventually got sold to somebody else by means of an online service similar to Ebay. There was another article about a gentleman that reported his XBL account hacked, who ended up getting banned because they tracked his account back to an OLD 360 he didn't even have anymore that was being used by a hacker to steal accounts; turns out his old system had a Red Ring of Death (RRoD), he sent it to Microsoft, they refurbished it, sent it or sold it or whatever out to somebody else, that somebody else was using it to attempt to hack people. The guy had been on his new 360 for how long and they still couldn't trace back to THAT system and NOT the old one? Wow. Then I read about another one today, where one gentleman waited 28 days (a whole week more than they said he'd have to wait), called up Microsoft, they told him his claim had been closed because they didn't have the info they needed, etc. He asked why they didn't contact him, they said they didn't have the information, which he said he specifically gave them a different email address to contact him with. He had to wait another 21 days, in which time his friends told him they saw his account online playing games, then finally gets his account back, to find out it'd been being used the whole time to buy games and other items; he calls for a refund, he gets a "manager" who treats him like a tool that pretty much says, "look, sorry for this that and the other thing, you can't escalate this any higher to my manager, there's not a whole lot we can do", etc, etc. Finally however, they agree to refund him credits, a couple months go by, nothing, so he calls them up, and again they say they're going to give him credits, and if I'm correct he's still holding his breath waiting to see anything. There's also been dozens of other horror stories of people having to wait 2 to 3 or more months while this is all dragged out and they're treated like morons by customer support, who don't even have the decency to contact them when there's an issue, like the Raptr user when they were "unable to lock her account". I've even talked to a gentleman that works for Microsoft support, whose own support co-worker at Microsoft got hacked as well!

Now, let's compare the Sony hack and the XBL hack side by side. Again, the hacking itself isn't to blame on either company as they can't control whether or not somebody decides to attack them. But overall view here, Sony was down for over a month fixing the problem, came out and explained it all out for everybody to see, etc. I won't say that none of the PSN users lost any money in the Sony hack, I can't say I've ever seen anybody say they have, but that's not to say nobody did, and for those that may have, that's horrible and it shouldn't happen. I have however seen numerous posts from users who use both XBL and PSN, who have said, and I quote, "during the whole Sony hack I never lost a dime, now my XBL account has been hacked, and I've lost hundreds". Microsoft has been very hush-hush with any information; even now that they're finally admitting to users being hacked, they're still trying to defend that there's no weaknesses at all in their network (from an IT perspective, there's ALWAYS a weakness in ANY system). I mean, it's taken them THIS long to admit that users are being hacked; how much longer is it going to be before they finally come out and say, "oh yeah, oops, it was a weakness in our system"??

Now let's look at the downtime; the whole of PSN was down for over a month, while yet, if you're hacked on XBL, you're off that account for 3 weeks at MINIMUM, many going much beyond a month, even beyond 2 months. On PSN, as long as you've never entered any credit-card info, you have nothing to fear (same as XBL to be honest with a silver account); but again, multiplayer, can play multiplayer free on PSN, want to do that on XBL, you HAVE to purchase gold and enter a credit-card or payment method, and if you get hacked, your info is up for grabs with shopping sprees on your credit-card/PayPal.

I also can't say I know for certain how users were treated when the Sony hack happened, but I still have never seen a horror story where they're given the run around, their account is left in the wind as free prey, or where the customer support treats them like garbage, and then smiles at them in the press conference and says, "you're our loyal customer, please keep giving us your money". Whereas with Sony, after the PlayStation Network was back online, as long as you were just a basic user, they were giving away TONS of free stuff to show how much they cared about you; from what I have read, the customer service during the hacking was actually really good too. I mean, for the record, I haven't dumped a dime into Sony for quite awhile; not because I don't like them, just happened I didn't really dive into many direct Sony items. Perhaps they got some royalties from a PS3 game, but I think the last I dumped money into Sony directly is either when I was paying to play EverQuest 2 many moons ago, or when I bought my PSP several moons ago as well. Even after not having invested much of a dime into Sony, they had 2 free PS3 games for me, 2 free PSP games, free premium services, one year of free account-security protection, etc.

Again, trying to be as objective as possible, looking at the customer service from Sony side-by-side with the horror stories and at times shabbiness of Xbox Live, I'd have to honestly and fairly give this one to Sony. Also for the record, Sony fixed their problem, and even though there was another attempted large-scale hack against them not too long ago, and yes a small number of accounts were compromised (which even one single one counts, not saying it doesn't), they still remain fairly rock-solid; whereas again, XBL for almost a year has been having accounts hacked, money stolen, with it either brushed under the rug, or MS beating around the bush trying to blame its customers/clients that pay their salaries, to finally admit hacking while still trying to say, "our systems are secure, YOU are hacked, not US, we're still PERFECT", but still not really diving in head-first to tackle whatever the hell is going on.

So there you have it, quite long-winded, but my take on why it seems as though I'm railing on Microsoft/X360. I'll honestly admit, if it wasn't for all this XBL nonsense, or how fellow gamers are being treated (victimized by MS Customer-Support after being victimized by the hackers), I'd probably still regard a 360 as just as decent a system as the other consoles on the market. It's not the console itself I have anything against, and I'm not attempting to fan-boy the PS3 (at least not completely... again, preference); it's the treating of the customers... which you can't honestly say isn't your driving reason at times for shopping at say Target or Old Navy instead of Walmart. Q;-)

Friday, December 2, 2011

Hilarious paradox realized in Zombie Lore!

Okay, for anybody that loves zombies, you may get a chuckle from this. I was reading my new book, "The Walking Dead: Rise of the Governor" (which reads like an actual book and is NOT their typical graphic-novel/comic-book), which I might add is an excellent read, and I highly suggest picking it up for any would be zombie fanatics! Cause after all, EVERYTHING is better with ZOMBIES...

Anyways, as I was reading along, I was pondering the "newer changes" in the modern-day zombie. I've seen and heard many going on about, "what's with zombies running now!?"; because running would suggest some actual cognitive thought as well as a coordinate use of the nervous system, which zombies are supposed to be dead, and might be a mild paradox, I get that; though, I still think it at least makes a bit more realism when they run. Here's why. In the older zombie flicks, I never understood, how something moving so slow and so brain-dead always over-ran the powerful-esque hero types of the movie. I mean, as stated, anybody non-zombie has the ability to run, so why not just turn around and run the other direction and lose them in an instant. It was sort of like the old bogglement around the classic Friday the 13th movies where Jason Vorhees always walked after his victims, and yet was right behind them as they ran for what seemed like an eternity. Okay, so that's not the paradox I wanted to point out, just through this in to freshen you up for the actual paradox, and just to throw out both sides of that particular coin.

After reading this, it may become quite a bit more clear as to why the modern zombie snacks now on the whole body and not just the brain. So here's the paradox I stumbled upon. The traditional zombie in lore, way back in the early days, like seen in
in cult-classic films such as "Night of the Living Dead", as well as other underground comic book publications, zombies were often portrayed as brain-dead ghoulies that needed to feast upon brains to stay functional. Which, is where it dawned on me a paradox lays heavily. If this has already been pointed out before, please forgive me, as I must have been completely oblivious to it. So here's the paradox I came to realize; the classic zombie would feast on their living flesh of a person, eating their brains, which would logically
make them a brain-dead zombie. Figured out the paradox yet? No? Well, here's where it starts to become chuckle-some. In order to kill a zombie, you have to shoot it in the head and destroy its brain. See the paradox now? One would think that if a zombie already had its brains eaten, the brain should already be destroyed, yet you have to destroy and already destroyed brain in order to stop it!? LOL. Something tells me this was stumbled upon by creative writers along the way, who obviously decided to kind of sweep that tidbit of realization under the rug, which would explain why now zombie infection is much like a rabid rabies bite, just one bite and you're infected; which is probably also why now zombies feast upon the whole body and not just the brain.

So there you have it in a nutshell... why cult-classic zombie films could also qualify into the genre of... comedy!? ;)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

GamersFirst = MoneyFirst!?

No, you didn't misread the title, it's exactly as it indicates. Let me point out first for the record, even though some have suggested since Fallen Earth has gone F2P, they believe the premiums make it a pay to win game. Which, we'll put that side for the time being, as this focus isn't so much on the game, but instead the recent contest they're running.

Some of you may be aware that Fallen Earth has recently gone free-to-play, and others may also be aware they're doing a contest giveaway, where the grand prize winner would receive something in the neighborhood of $2,000-$2,500 worth of prizes, with other prizes below it. However, the contest may as well be rigged, let me explain why. Before I do, I would like to point out, that at the start of the contest, I even asked in the help channel, "this contest is open to everybody right? I'm not going to find out at the end it was only for premium players?", to which a GM replied to me with, "everybody has an equal chance at winning, even freebie players". Which actually is proving to not be true.

Fallen Earth offers a few premium services you can pay for, which speeds up certain things such as AP gain, experience gain, unlimited money (freebie players are limited to 10 red chips unless they get premium or buy an item from cash shop), etc. Turns out they also have a harvesting speed bonus for when they scavenge nodes, etc. Well, after you register for this contest, the way it works, is there's several MainTech computer part nodes scattered randomly all throughout the gaming world of Fallen Earth. Figuring it out yet? Let me go deeper into detail here in saying, a top premium player harvests a node in 2.8 seconds (checked, confirmed, and verified), while a f2p player harvests a node in 5.9 seconds (verified on my character as a freebie player). Which if you look at one node to the next, doesn't seem like much. However, if you look at the entire contest, over it's longevity of 30 days, it snowballs quite a bit. Now, to add to that, which I'm willing to write off as an accidental oversight, it's been confirmed that individual premium players have been zooming around in interceptors (fastest vehicle in the game) around the clock to collect up as many nodes as they can. Now for the record, it is possible for a freebie player to make an interceptor, but it's pretty much impossible any would have one yet unless somebody gave it to them, and even then they probably wouldn't even be able to use it. Due to the crafting system that Fallen Earth has, along with level requirements to make an interceptor, in the short time Fallen Earth has been f2p, it's virtually impossible that any freebie player could have made an interceptor already. To add to that, a freebie player has a money limit of 10 red caps, which because of this, people purposely put interceptors on auction for more than 10 red caps for a reason.

Allow me to share the forum post I made about this on the Fallen Earth forums:
(Also to note, due to certain forum responses I received, as well as one guy in help channel trying to pretend he was Mr. Wizard, I'd like to point out, that this is just a hypothetical scenario... for those that want to argue "random chance" of finding nodes, since that "random chance" works equally against freebie players and premium players, we're going to look at that as a constant variable, which I know is a paradox, but still, is actually a non-factor in the overall outcome, as it applies equally to both kinds of players.)

To this post, FYI, one premium player actually responded with, and I quote: "If I'm paying for this game, I should have a better chance at winning this contest than you do. Holla!". Which
would confirm exactly what I've been saying!

Way to go MoneyFirst, you've successfully taken play to win to a whole other level. It's one thing for a GAME to be pay to win, it's a complete other to have contests that are supposed to "fair and square" become pay to win as well. For all froobs that registered for this contest, seems at the very least, it was all just a sham to get more email addresses on their mailing list, and perhaps even a way to rub freebie players noses in the fact they're not paying and in a round about reverse-psychology way, bend their arm into paying for a premium. As I said in the post, I *was* a huge fan of GamerFirst, but this just does it for me.

Oh, also, I should also point out, if you're a freebie player, they may as well not even care that you're there. Here's why. After having slept on this last night, today I decided to contact somebody at Fallen Earth and/or GamersFirst, figuring that GMs didn't really have much control over how the contest is run or operated, and that perhaps somebody higher up on the food chain wasn't aware of the shenanigans. However, upon going to the Fallen Earth support website, and clicking, "contact us", this is what I see, LOL:

Wow, really!? First of all, let this be a public announcement to any freebie players in a GamesFirst game; should you have an issue that goes beyond a GM, seems there's absolutely no open-door policy whatsoever, so for what it's worth, don't go pissing off those GMs. Secondly, how absurd is it, that after being "so sorry" that this service is restricted to paying players, they'd follow it up at the end by attempting to usher you to the MARKETPLACE. For anybody that read my F2P vs P2P article, this would probably constitute into the category of "mortgaging your gaming experience"!

I mean, just WOW. Instead of GamersFirst, perhaps they should name themselves "money talks and bull!@#! walks", really!? I must say, it's quite devastating to find out a gaming company I used to have worlds of respect for turned out to be a run of the mill slum-lord.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Top 5 Technology Innovations that never came to be...

Note: Apologies for taking so long to make another article. After the last one I was working on and may still get back to sometime being lost, (Google Chrome crashed, and for whatever reason, it was the only time Blogger ever decided to NOT auto-save), successfully losing six hours worth of work and six hours of my life I'll never get back, I was sort of doing a silent-protest against Blogger... even though it was a joint-effort between the browser and Blogger, but anywho. For those curious, the last article I was working on that lost six hours worth of work, was going to be a minimum of a four page spread, chronicling the biggest and most memorable gaming feats since I first got into gaming back in 1983. More or less my own personal compendium of anything noteworthy in gaming, even if it wasn't something that I myself personally followed. May still be coming, but for the time being, has been shelved... anyways, I digress...
With all the many and unending different lists (*waves hands* Umm, you do realize the emphasis in the above picture is supposed to be on the BEER HAT yes!? ;]) coming out of the greatest and most awesome innovations, titles, and creations that ever came to be, I figured I'd take an opposite approach and shed some light on some of the biggest controversies in technology that never came to be and/or got !@#!-canned before they ever had a chance to blossom. I may update this as time goes on if/when I can recall any other overly noteworthy innovations that never came to be (like perhaps *hint, hint* the hoverboard, hover car, the fully solar-powered car that should have released a decade ago, the light-bulb that never burns out... just to name a few).

#1. Star Trek Online using Perpetual Engine by Perpetual Entertainment
Many I've talked to have seemed puzzled when I mention the Perpetual Engine and don't realize that Star Trek Online wasn't ever originally Cryptic's baby IP. The truth of the matter is Star Trek Online originally went into early development in 2004 by Perpetual Entertainment. The 3
images above, as well as the one to the left, are actual screenshots from their working engine of the game and what the game would have actually looked like. The Perpetual Engine also promised to have planets randomly appear, with full random terrain, environment, weather, population, npcs, etc to truly add to a realistic sense of actual space exploration, which is what the original concept of Star Trek was, and still is. Don't get me wrong; I recently started giving Cryptic's Star Trek Online a chance, and even though it's great fun and really neat, I'm still left to wonder what could have been with the Perpetual Engine, as well as what new MMO standards it may have set for other games and designs with seamless and virtually unending exploration.

#2. Ultima Online 2 (Officially dubbed: Ultima Online Worlds: Origin)
Recognize the image above? Unless you're a true hardcore gamer, and were also a PC gamer back in 1999 as well as following the Ultima storyline, you probably don't. The image above is from Ultima IX: Ascension, which in my opinion was probably one of the best PC-based open-world RPGs of all time. But why does that matter to Ultima Online? Because what many don't know is, there was originally planned to be an Ultima Online 2, yes, that's right, a SEQUEL to the great Ultima Online that so many rave about actually USING the Ascension Engine!! But why didn't it ever come to be you might ask? That's because Richard Garriot and Origin had the game fully designed and ready to go,
(seen in the image to the right which is an actual screenshot taken from within the early-beta of the working game), up until Electronic Arts actually stated they were afraid they'd lose too many players from the original Ultima Online, thus the bottom line worry was a fear of losing money, and decided to scrap the whole idea. In turn, Richard Garriot walked out (not that I blame him and would have done the same exact thing), which ultimately buried any and all ongoing continuations to the Ultima storyline. It's worth noting the silliness of EA's worrying, as any users that would have left the original Ultima Online would more than likely have migrated to Ultima Online 2. Perhaps their worry more stemmed from a reason to keep the servers up, or perhaps more the reaction of fans that would start asking why they were spoon fed everything they were about Ultima Online and sinking their money continually into it, when something that could have been so much better was so readily available. Another thought to ponder, Ultima Online 2 was pretty much finishing up and almost ready for release by March of 2001. Now let's think about this. Even World of Warcraft wasn't announced until September of 2001, and finally released in November of 2004; and it's also worth pointing out they're going on 7 years of flushing it all out and improving it. Imagine if you will, a game that was that vividly rich, realistic, and entertaining as Ultima Online 2 using the Ascension engine released three years prior, with an equivalent 7 years to improve it and make it better. Would it be possible that had this came to be, World of Warcraft may not have been as successfully huge as it ended up being, thus the MMO genre may not have been overshadowed and sucked as dry as it has by WoW!? Imagine how much more level-field the MMO genre, especially when it comes to fantasy-based games, would be if there was an equal competitor back from the start. Perhaps there wouldn't have been nearly as many WoW clones and so much loathing now for anything fantasy, as I can safely speak for myself and many others that I know, that may go postal if we see anymore WoW clones or rehashes of what can be done with fantasy, dragons, sword/shield, and anything else medieval! Hey Electronic Arts... don't you just wish you had the millions and billions of dollars that Blizzard is now making with their product (World of Warcraft) that ultimately buried your baby Ultima Online!? LOL!

#3. Super Nintendo / Super Famicom CD-Rom Drive
What you see above is the Super Famicom (Super Nintendo in North America), but I wonder what that is under it!? This one is an innovation that I'm kind of glad it ended up the way it did. Why you ask? Well, that image above was to be the CD-Rom drive for the Super Nintendo. Even though back then I absolutely loved the Super Nintendo and was completely drooling at the idea of SNES games on CD and a dockable drive that sat under the main console, and was really sad back then to hear the idea was scrapped, it turned out for the best. You're still asking why? How ironic it'd be, let's take a really close and long hard look at that image again. Oh look, the Super Nintendo is giving birth to the Playstation. That's right, you got it! Nintendo originally looked to Sony to develop what would become the SNES CD-Rom drive, and even though Sony had a built prototype that they
unveiled for the world to see, ready for market, Nintendo at the last minute decided to back out and claim that they felt cartridges were the wave of the future and the CD media wouldn't keep the push that it had. Sony being the awesome marketing geniuses that they are, absolutely refused to lose the money already invested into development and manufacturing in such a disrespectful manner, and in result, turned around to patent it as the first PlayStation home gaming system. Whoops, don't get me wrong, I love Nintendo and all, but I love my Playstation even more; so for what it's worth Nintendo, thank you. However, let's imagine for a second, just how much huger and bigger of a gaming giant Nintendo *could have been* had they taken the opportunity to have the biggest jump-start ahead of the curve in the realm of CD-based console games. I guess Nintendo can toss this one in their loss column along with their Virtual Boy and Power Glove (which for the record, I still think the Power Glove was an awesome idea and innovation, just perhaps was ahead of its time and wasn't manufactured/designed as well as it could have been).

#4. Virtual Reality
For any of the teenie-boppers that may be reading this, yes, Virtual Reality actually did exist for a very short time, it wasn't just science fiction you read about in books or see in movies like Lawnmower Man, The Matrix, or Tron. However, due to many issues with some peoples equilibrium and some other issues, the entire concept ended up being for the most part scrapped from the public market. Leaving us hardcore VR enthusiasts to really dig through the scraps to continue our pursuits in more of a fanatical approach. For those who may not be aware of what
Virtual Reality is, it would allow for a person to use a video headset to actually put themselves into the game itself, as though the game were a true "virtual world" that was wrapped around them as the center focus. Now even I ask myself if this was a good thing or a bad thing; could Virtual Reality development have been ahead of its time? Could be possible. I am happy to see the newer innovations coming to market, such as the PlayStation Move, as well as using it with the SharpShooter peripheral. It allows for motion-reading, controller-based movement, and realistic aiming, with many more awesome prospects still yet waiting to be unlocked. Now just couple that with a video-headset and perhaps one of those old Interactor force-feedback vests (another technological invention that didn't last long), and maybe even a Nintendo Power Glove (yet another technological invention that didn't fare well), and you're all set!

#5. Apple Windows!? (WTF!?)
Disclaimer: This portion is NOT to help those zealots who want to believe Steve Jobs was (a) God who gets full credit for being the biggest innovator in the gaming industry. For the record Steve Jobs and Apple focused on hardware and OSes, such as cell phones, computers, laptops, tablets, music players, portable devices, etc... they NEVER made any huge break into the gaming industry. I have full respect for Steve Jobs, but the fanboys chanting his name are fabricating false truths, just as many fanboys do about anything else they want to be a delusional follower of (I actually read somebody saying the other day saying that "Steve Jobs is personally responsible for bringing us the personal computer"... mmm-KAY, right, love the guy Steve Jobs, but NOT TRUE! Maybe these chanting fanboys should realize they're going to ultimately get people to end up hating Steve Jobs or at least hearing about untruths claimed in his name!). Anyways, this IS meant to be a props to Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, please don't use this to stretch it anymore than that, thank you. So if you are one that seems to believe that Steve Jobs created life... please, by all means, go get an iLife and let us know what it's all about, peace out homie!
Saving the best for last, probably the biggest controversy known by 99% of all geeks, (myself included), the ACTUAL origins of WINDOWS and how it came to be. *GASP* Yep, I'm letting the skeletons out of the closet Big Brother... go suck an egg, cry me a river, build me a bridge, and get the !@#! over it. Anyways, it's no huge secret that Microsoft hasn't had an original thought since coming up with the company title, especially seeings even DOS was bought by Bill Gates from a drugged out college student flunky and then delivered to IBM (which Bill Gates already sold them DOS before even having it) for mass-production. However, not everybody is privy to the how and why of how Windows came to be. Long story short, Bill Gates being the devil in sheep's clothing that he is, approached Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, claiming he wanted to *help them* make the
MacOS the best it could be, as he felt the idea was truly revolutionary. All the while, Bill Gates and crew worked to reverse engineer the code and use the new "format" for their own ends. Just before MacOS was to hit the public market, Bill Gates beat Steve Jobs to the punch and revealed Windows to the world; which ended up making the MacOS look more like a "wannabe copy-cat" sadly. How much different the realm of technology may have turned out had MacOS came before Windows; then perhaps Microsoft wouldn't be the cut-throat greedy bastards that monopolize technology and flash you the biggest price tags to keep it moving along. For what it's worth, before anybody claims I'm a hypocrite, I actually dual-boot my box/rig with RedHat Linux, and only really run Windows Vista for any games that either can't be ported to Linux, or don't want to without issues/bugs/glitches. However, let's ponder for a moment how much better the world could have been, both in technology and in just in general, had Steve Jobs been the one making millions or billions of dollars every day like Microsoft does. If Bill Gates could have been the one left in the dust and being forced to grovel at Steve Jobs feet instead. Yes, it's sad, that people like Bill Gates exist, that came into the life of Steve Jobs, to hold such genius minds like Steve Jobs under their thumb until they're in the ground. For what it's worth, Bill Gates, I really do pray that one day you burn in hell, but that might be best saved for another article, maybe? Q:)

So there you have it, the top 5 innovations that never came to be; maybe more being added later as I recall any others that are overly noteworthy. Until next time, I leave you with one final thought...

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