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Friday, December 2, 2011

Hilarious paradox realized in Zombie Lore!

Okay, for anybody that loves zombies, you may get a chuckle from this. I was reading my new book, "The Walking Dead: Rise of the Governor" (which reads like an actual book and is NOT their typical graphic-novel/comic-book), which I might add is an excellent read, and I highly suggest picking it up for any would be zombie fanatics! Cause after all, EVERYTHING is better with ZOMBIES...

Anyways, as I was reading along, I was pondering the "newer changes" in the modern-day zombie. I've seen and heard many going on about, "what's with zombies running now!?"; because running would suggest some actual cognitive thought as well as a coordinate use of the nervous system, which zombies are supposed to be dead, and might be a mild paradox, I get that; though, I still think it at least makes a bit more realism when they run. Here's why. In the older zombie flicks, I never understood, how something moving so slow and so brain-dead always over-ran the powerful-esque hero types of the movie. I mean, as stated, anybody non-zombie has the ability to run, so why not just turn around and run the other direction and lose them in an instant. It was sort of like the old bogglement around the classic Friday the 13th movies where Jason Vorhees always walked after his victims, and yet was right behind them as they ran for what seemed like an eternity. Okay, so that's not the paradox I wanted to point out, just through this in to freshen you up for the actual paradox, and just to throw out both sides of that particular coin.

After reading this, it may become quite a bit more clear as to why the modern zombie snacks now on the whole body and not just the brain. So here's the paradox I stumbled upon. The traditional zombie in lore, way back in the early days, like seen in
in cult-classic films such as "Night of the Living Dead", as well as other underground comic book publications, zombies were often portrayed as brain-dead ghoulies that needed to feast upon brains to stay functional. Which, is where it dawned on me a paradox lays heavily. If this has already been pointed out before, please forgive me, as I must have been completely oblivious to it. So here's the paradox I came to realize; the classic zombie would feast on their living flesh of a person, eating their brains, which would logically
make them a brain-dead zombie. Figured out the paradox yet? No? Well, here's where it starts to become chuckle-some. In order to kill a zombie, you have to shoot it in the head and destroy its brain. See the paradox now? One would think that if a zombie already had its brains eaten, the brain should already be destroyed, yet you have to destroy and already destroyed brain in order to stop it!? LOL. Something tells me this was stumbled upon by creative writers along the way, who obviously decided to kind of sweep that tidbit of realization under the rug, which would explain why now zombie infection is much like a rabid rabies bite, just one bite and you're infected; which is probably also why now zombies feast upon the whole body and not just the brain.

So there you have it in a nutshell... why cult-classic zombie films could also qualify into the genre of... comedy!? ;)

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